Am i losing it?!
This post is some what related to my previous blog post Too or Two?!?.
Yesterday too, I did some really weird things. I dont exactly know what made me perform these actions, but well, i did perform them.
It was morning. I was asleep. Mummy rang the bell (Its a system in which mummy rings the bell and i have to pick up the phone).
Here's what i was supposed to do:
1. Get up.
2. Go to the phone.
3. Pick up the receiver.
4. Hold the receiver to my one of my ears.
5. Say "Hello".
Here's what i actually did:
1. Partially got up.
2. Plugged the mosquito mat out of the socket forcefully.
3. Held the mosquito mat to my left ear.
4. Said "Hello".
That was okay to some extent. I was not exactly in my senses. People can do weird things when not totally awake. I think it had to do with me thinking about switching the mat off when i wake up or something like that. But what happened next was stranger.
I went down, ate, drank tea, finished the usual morning routines and thought that i'd play the guitar for some time.
Here's what a normal moi should've done:
1. Switch on the fan.
2. Go to the guitar.
3. Pick up the guitar.
4. Go to the chair.
5. Start playing.
Here's what i actually did:
1. Switched on the fan.
2 Switched off the fan.
3. Went under then fan.
4. Lifted my hands to pick the fan (as if it were the guitar).
What/Who/Why ? I have no idea! Ridiculous! What was i thinking? Was i even thinking?
Actually a little later, when i thought about it, i remembered myself performing such stunts a few times before.
For example, I wanted to sit on the computer. Here's what i did:
1. Went to the computer chair to sit.
2. Realized that the fan wasnt on.
3. Went to switch the fan on.
4. Switched the fan on.
5. Came back to the chair. By this time, the fan obviously hadn't picked up speed.
6. Thought that the fan was off.
7. Went back to turn the fan on.
8. Realized that i had done something familiar a few seconds ago.
And what scares me even more is that this has happened more than once.
Well another example. This happened a few years ago. We were supposed to have dinner in a little while. I was sitting on the sofa. Mummy came and asked me to open the table (the table fits into the wall and hence has to be opened). A little while later, mummy asked me to open the table again. I said, "Hey, i just opened it". Well the table wasn't open. I was sitting on the sofa in front of the table and no one could've closed the table and i was sure that i had opened it.
Here's what actually happened:
1. Mummy told me to open the table.
2. I got up, opened the table.
3. I sat on the sofa.
4. Remembered that i had to perform some operation on table.
5. Got up, closed the table.
6. Sat back on the sofa.
Another example. Dont really remember when this happened, but definitely not more than 4-5 years ago.
After im done bathing and i get out, here's what i do.
1. Pick up soiled clothes.
2. Get out.
3. Turn right and bend.
4. Open the clothes cabinet under the basin.
5. Dump the clothes.
6. Shut the cabinet.
One day, i had dumped the clothes into the cabinet and then gone* to bathe. Hence, when i came out, there were no clothes in my hand. Here comes the weird part. I performed all the actions 2-6 above, just that i didn't have any clothes in my hand when i performed action 5. I just performed the action of dumping clothes.
Do i really stop thinking at times? Or is it that i cease to pay attention to a few details and brainlessly perform some actions. What is it!?
Yesterday too, I did some really weird things. I dont exactly know what made me perform these actions, but well, i did perform them.
It was morning. I was asleep. Mummy rang the bell (Its a system in which mummy rings the bell and i have to pick up the phone).
Here's what i was supposed to do:
1. Get up.
2. Go to the phone.
3. Pick up the receiver.
4. Hold the receiver to my one of my ears.
5. Say "Hello".
Here's what i actually did:
1. Partially got up.
2. Plugged the mosquito mat out of the socket forcefully.
3. Held the mosquito mat to my left ear.
4. Said "Hello".
That was okay to some extent. I was not exactly in my senses. People can do weird things when not totally awake. I think it had to do with me thinking about switching the mat off when i wake up or something like that. But what happened next was stranger.
I went down, ate, drank tea, finished the usual morning routines and thought that i'd play the guitar for some time.
Here's what a normal moi should've done:
1. Switch on the fan.
2. Go to the guitar.
3. Pick up the guitar.
4. Go to the chair.
5. Start playing.
Here's what i actually did:
1. Switched on the fan.
2 Switched off the fan.
3. Went under then fan.
4. Lifted my hands to pick the fan (as if it were the guitar).
What/Who/Why ? I have no idea! Ridiculous! What was i thinking? Was i even thinking?
Actually a little later, when i thought about it, i remembered myself performing such stunts a few times before.
For example, I wanted to sit on the computer. Here's what i did:
1. Went to the computer chair to sit.
2. Realized that the fan wasnt on.
3. Went to switch the fan on.
4. Switched the fan on.
5. Came back to the chair. By this time, the fan obviously hadn't picked up speed.
6. Thought that the fan was off.
7. Went back to turn the fan on.
8. Realized that i had done something familiar a few seconds ago.
And what scares me even more is that this has happened more than once.
Well another example. This happened a few years ago. We were supposed to have dinner in a little while. I was sitting on the sofa. Mummy came and asked me to open the table (the table fits into the wall and hence has to be opened). A little while later, mummy asked me to open the table again. I said, "Hey, i just opened it". Well the table wasn't open. I was sitting on the sofa in front of the table and no one could've closed the table and i was sure that i had opened it.
Here's what actually happened:
1. Mummy told me to open the table.
2. I got up, opened the table.
3. I sat on the sofa.
4. Remembered that i had to perform some operation on table.
5. Got up, closed the table.
6. Sat back on the sofa.
Another example. Dont really remember when this happened, but definitely not more than 4-5 years ago.
After im done bathing and i get out, here's what i do.
1. Pick up soiled clothes.
2. Get out.
3. Turn right and bend.
4. Open the clothes cabinet under the basin.
5. Dump the clothes.
6. Shut the cabinet.
One day, i had dumped the clothes into the cabinet and then gone* to bathe. Hence, when i came out, there were no clothes in my hand. Here comes the weird part. I performed all the actions 2-6 above, just that i didn't have any clothes in my hand when i performed action 5. I just performed the action of dumping clothes.
Do i really stop thinking at times? Or is it that i cease to pay attention to a few details and brainlessly perform some actions. What is it!?
There are a couple of mistakes I thought maybe I should point out:
1.People can do weird things when not "in" totally awake
Correction:Add state at the end or drop the in.
2.Plugged the mosquito "mat" out of the socket forcefully.
3. Held the mosquito mat to my left ear.
Correction:Sweety you mean the repellent that holds the mat.
4.i had dumped the clothes into the cabinet and then "went" to bathe
Correction:Use gone instead of went or just drop the had before dumped.
5.Not to forget the numerous places that you've typed "i" instead of I.
Well maybe you were still in the weird state when you wrote this blog.That is one way to explain the mistakes.Hehe just kidding :)I am just bored.
Anonymous, at 8:22 am
Regarding the corrections: Yes i have corrected the few solecisms. Thanks for pointing them out. However, Im not sure what to write about the mat. First of all, it's not a mat. It's the liquid Mortein "thing". I have no idea what to call it. Even if it were the mat, I wouldn't have held the repellent to my ears, but machine that holds the mat.
Meditate? Hmmm. Should think about it.
SagYer, at 10:01 pm
sounds like some artificial intelligence program designed to blog has written this .....!! i couldnt believe i was reading sagar da gr8's blog ....... m dissapointed ........plz dont mind but ..."WITH GREAT POWERS COME GREAT RESPONSIBILITIES"
Anonymous, at 9:21 am
hey! thats very late for a comment but then...
Unknown, at 10:48 pm
do you still do such things especially in class :)
i know of sneezing
Luv Sharma, at 7:22 am
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