I will bring my text book to class
I dont exactly remember when we were given this punishment for not getting our text books, but it was in Junior college. Most probably, it was by Sabiha or Afroz madam. I dont really remember. The image with my handwriting was scanned by Thite and he sent it to me around a year ago.

Now dont you think that this is what i really should've done:

Now dont you think that this is what i really should've done:

Dude - I take my hat off to you. BTW, on a related note, I've often wished for a copy-paste function in the real world, so that we could fill up all our journals with the pointless crap in a few minutes, rather than the hours it takes.
Got you on FF's live bookmarks now!
Nadeem Mohsin, at 11:25 pm
Just noticed - you got this punishment in junior college??!!! Yeesh. Frankly you should have told the professor to bugger off. Send her back to the 3rd standard where this was acceptable.
BTW, I prefer my for loops iterating from 0 to 99 rather than 1 to 100. For some reason I like the look of '<' better than '<='...
Nadeem Mohsin, at 7:06 am
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