Cant really think of a suitable title
4 years
8 wars
40 battles
1 man army
Proud to be a Mumbai University Engineer!
Got that as an sms. I great piece of work, i say!
Exam update:
Two exams - Advanced Microprocessors and Intelligent systems over. Right now, in the middle of a 4 days leave for IP exam. Our timetable is pretty cool. Atleast 3 days holidays between two exams.
IP is quite a good subject. You can actually visualise operations on images. I finally grok the frequency domain. Gonzalez rocks. Glad to do away with the "My brain denies its existence in the frequency domain." tag.
By the way, nevey try to explain what that tag/quote means to an arts students. I tried my hand at it and failed miserably. I drew a rectangular function on a piece of paper and asked what they understood from it, if at all anything. Of the many, many mind blowing responses, my favourite was, "It's got something to do with a flag hoisting ceremony". :S
Throat update: Alm0st perfectly fine now. Almost becuase i still cant eat spicy/hot stuff as i havent eaten it in a while. The pain is gone. I can sleep well. I no longer have to warm up water every time i have to drink it. Most importantly, i can now talk, in my vioce as melodious as the cawing of the crow!
For those etymologically inclined: Ever thought of this word: preposterous? It's got a 'pre-' and a 'post-' along with an '-erous'! What are you supposed to infer from that?? Well I would infer that whoever invented the word was really confused.
Well here's the actual etymology:
preposterous (prî-pòs´ter-es) adjective
Contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd.
[From Latin praeposterus, inverted, unseasonable : prae-, pre- + posterus, coming behind (from post, behind).]
8 wars
40 battles
1 man army
Proud to be a Mumbai University Engineer!
Got that as an sms. I great piece of work, i say!
Exam update:
Two exams - Advanced Microprocessors and Intelligent systems over. Right now, in the middle of a 4 days leave for IP exam. Our timetable is pretty cool. Atleast 3 days holidays between two exams.
IP is quite a good subject. You can actually visualise operations on images. I finally grok the frequency domain. Gonzalez rocks. Glad to do away with the "My brain denies its existence in the frequency domain." tag.
By the way, nevey try to explain what that tag/quote means to an arts students. I tried my hand at it and failed miserably. I drew a rectangular function on a piece of paper and asked what they understood from it, if at all anything. Of the many, many mind blowing responses, my favourite was, "It's got something to do with a flag hoisting ceremony". :S
Throat update: Alm0st perfectly fine now. Almost becuase i still cant eat spicy/hot stuff as i havent eaten it in a while. The pain is gone. I can sleep well. I no longer have to warm up water every time i have to drink it. Most importantly, i can now talk, in my vioce as melodious as the cawing of the crow!
For those etymologically inclined: Ever thought of this word: preposterous? It's got a 'pre-' and a 'post-' along with an '-erous'! What are you supposed to infer from that?? Well I would infer that whoever invented the word was really confused.
Well here's the actual etymology:
preposterous (prî-pòs´ter-es) adjective
Contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd.
[From Latin praeposterus, inverted, unseasonable : prae-, pre- + posterus, coming behind (from post, behind).]
+1e10 to the SMS. Fantastic piece of work.
I remember my abortive attempt at explaining the frequency domain to your cousin. Less fun than your experience, since I didn't get any mind blowing responses. Just fancy ways of saying "You engineers are nuts - the rest of us are normal." And this coming from a fashion designer - a profession that wouldn't even exist if our ilk hadn't brought humanity out of the caves...
Most importantly, i can now talk, in my vioce as melodious as the cawing of the crow! While we're glad that you are ready to deafen us all again, I must register my protest at the great injustice you do to the cawing of crows. They're far more melodious than you...:)
Interesting bit on 'preposterous' - I never realised its weirdness, but then my favourite memory of its use is Inspector Doyle in Shanghai Knights telling Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson, "Do you have any evidence to support this preposterous allegation?" in a very Watsonish tone...
Nadeem Mohsin, at 7:09 am
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