I Think, Therefore I Am

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I think I thought

A few days ago, I thought of something; something profound and of deep significance. I was so happy of having thought of it! After all, you don't really have those 'eureka' moments everyday. I also thought that I would translate these thoughts into a blog post.

There's a problem though. I can't remember what I thought. Worse, I now think that I just dreamt that I thought a thought. I'm not sure.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

What do I do?

Many a times in life, I have come across a situation where I've had to choose from two paths :

1. What I should do.
2. What I want to do.

More often than not, I have travelled the first path. That's me. I do what I should do and sometimes feel good having done it or regret not having done what I've wanted to do or both - have mixed feelings.

However, now things have taken a turn. I have several options in front of me.

0. What I want to do (Not even an option)
1. What I should do.
2. What I should do.
3. What I should do.

.. all of equal importance. What do I do? Which path do I go? I cannot take any one path without sacrificing the others in some respect. I know that whichever path I take, later, I'm going to regret having not taken the other paths.

What do i do?
